Become a Member

Join our Community!

Are you passionate about advocating for mental health awareness and helping to break the stigma surrounding mental illness?
Do you want to be part of a supportive community that is dedicated to improving the lives of those who struggle with mental health issues?
Support our mission by becoming a member of JAMHAN, and help us to create more opportunities to provide support to Jamaicans who need us.
Members & counting
Members who are mental health practitioners.
Members who are not mental health practitioners.

Benefits of being a member of JAMHAN

The best benefit our members receive is knowing they have the power to both help someone, and get help.


With only three requirements for membership, joining this impactful network has never been easier.

Types of Membership

Organisations, students, professionals in the working world—and those who juggle both—can join our network.

Are you ready to join a community that is committed to creating a world where mental health is a top priority?

Complete the form to request JAMHAN membership.